The Seamstress ~ by María Dueñas

Friday, December 27The Seamstress is a Spanish woman who finds herself in Morocco at the start of the Spanish Civil War. Left high and dry by a lover who whisked her away from Madrid, she fends for herself by becoming a high-class seamstress to wives of some of the most powerful German and Spanish men in Tétouan, the Spanish protectorate in Morocco.

Because of her close friendship with an independent Englishwoman, Rosalinda, and due to her worries about her country and her family, she becomes increasingly involved in the British attempts to keep Spain from allying themselves with the Axis powers in what is slowly but surely becoming World War II. The novel takes place in Madrid, Tétouan & Tangiers in Morocco, and in Lisbon. After having spent a month in Spain and Portugal last summer, I found this book fascinating.

The novel also goes by the name of The Time In Between; I’m not sure of the reason for this, but it is confusing.  I actually already had The Time In Between on my Kindle; after downloading it, I continued to search high and low for The Seamstress, thinking it was a different book.  I finally bought it from Amazon upon my return to the U.S.  If I’m going to own two copies of a book, I guess this is one to have, doubled. 🙂

This seamstress-turned-spy novel, by María Dueñas, which is also historical fiction, is an amazing book that I couldn’t put down. Well-written, enthralling and even educational!

19 thoughts on “The Seamstress ~ by María Dueñas

  1. The original version of this book is entitled “El tiempo entre costuras”, which means “the time between seams/sewing/dressmaking”, so it’s easy to see how the translation issue came about. It’s on my reading list, hope to get round to it this spring 🙂

      1. It really does! I’ve been trying to finnish THE COAT ROUTE for 3 months. This was a book that Liz @ The Vintage Traveler turned me onto. It’s about a hand made couture coat that ends up costing 50K ! Once I finish it I will aim for your suggestion!

      2. Liz @ thevintagetraveler turned me onto it. It is sitting right beside me but I keep turning my time towards blogging interaction. I am lonely.

      3. I know, blogging can be addictive, can’t it? That’s why I’m trying to limit myself this year, because I have to get other things accomplished.

        By the way, do you live near Pittsburgh or Philly? I’m planning to explore both of those cities this year. Maybe we can meet for dinner or something! 🙂

      4. Please let me know when you come to Philadelphia! I would love to be your tour guide. First Fridays here are just great too !All the young and burgeoning artists come out to play
        ( In the warmth of spring of course)


      5. Ok, Kathryn, I think I’m going to come maybe sometime in March or April? When it gets warm, for sure! I will let you know and we can get together while I’m there. It would be great to meet you! 🙂

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